The future of wind energy

According to the American Wind Energy Association(AWEA), US wind farms represent 90,550 plus MW of electricity generating capacity. According to the US department of Energy (DOE), the offshore wind project development pipeline includes more than 25000 MW of planned generating capacity with much of it expected to begin operation by 2023 or sooner.

What's more is the far-reaching economic impact the offshore wind industry is expected to bring the country. Ananlysis from the business group E2 found that offshore wind could triple the number of wind jobs in five east coast states. Thats in addition to the 105,000 plus workers who already have wind powered careers in the US.

The last few years have brought unprecedented wind growth and develepment to the US. Project costs have continued to fall and stay low. Even as tax credits phase out, the sector continues to evelove in new ways.


Growth in wind power is expected to continue for the forseeable future, so it's best to avoid getting too comfortable with the current advances, more are certainly on the way. The wind is always blowing in the US and the latest wind turbine technology helps to affordably and reliably put more of that natural resource to work. said Tom Kiernan, CEO of AWEA.

Tom Kiernan